Learning to Flow With the Spirit

As the seasons of my life continue, I find that the learning process in the Holy Spirit doesn’t quit. I am one of the older ones now and am sometimes shocked by what faces me in the mirror. However, I am learning to look into a new mirror and see myself in our Lord Jesus Christ.

This “learning” is not like any other, for it challenges all my preconceived ideas about myself. Instead, of thinking of my lack (and there is plenty of that to think on) He has me rejoicing in His sufficiency. Instead of my failings, He has be thinking on His provision for all my wrongs and mis-steps. Instead of what I don’t know, I find Him reminding me of His mind in me and that He knew it all before the foundation of the world.

So as I live in Him every day, my heart rejoices in the years He has given me, instead of decrying what is no more. That is sometimes hard, as in my only sibling going to Jesus in October. It’s not always easy to thinking on how he is enjoying his Jesus! But that is the true reality. So my tears of sorrow soon get replaced with tears of joy that my brother knew and lived in Him here, so he does that now fully! That’s something to be really blessed by!

So the seasons of the year, and of my life, continue to move across the days, weeks, months, and years, I rejoice in Him and learn in my daily life to “flow with Him in the Holy Spirit.” Then when I gather with those who are also flowing in Him, my life is lifted out of the mundane and into the glory of His being. Now just how awesome is that!? So let’s not despise youth, nor old age, but lets joyfully surrender to His provision and likeness in us by His will, His power, and His glory.

And so, I greet another day; …thank you, Precious Lord Jesus!

One thought on “Learning to Flow With the Spirit

  • This is my 2nd try – had password issues sending first comment.

    Thank you for your wisdom Iris. As we look at our circumstances through the eyes of Jesus, we experience peace and comfort knowing He is in control.

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