A Different View

What we normally read:
“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of The Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory into glory, just as by the Spirit of The Lord.” 2 corinthians 3:18 NKJB
What I found in the Greek:
“And we all with unveiled face, reflecting the same image of the glory of The Lord, are changed from glory into glory as from the Lord’s Spirit.” Personal Translation

The scripture above is where I ended my workshop at the Elim Women’s Area Conference on this past Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon (taught same material twice). My topic was “Transformation,” so we examined briefly all the four places the Greek word is used in the New Testament. As I studied the 2 Corinthians 3:18 one above, I discovered that it did not really say what I had always taught, so back to the drawing board I went. I enjoyed my time of digging, and the personal translation above was what I found.

The entire passage is not about a process but an action that was accomplished by our Lord Jesus. The context of the passage above tells of the glory of the Old Covenant of Law. Then it talks about the veil of unbelief that is over the eyes of those who are “law-keeper;” believing that in their action and progress things are occurring to make them more and more like Him. Quite the opposite is revealed in 3:18. In Christ our face is unveiled and we are empowered to “see” and to “believe.” We enter into a relationship of sonship with Almighty God through Christ our Lord and instantiously become as He is. (1 John 4:17). As Christ was instantly transfigured before the apostles in Matthew 17 and Mark 9, we are instantly changed (transformed) into that same image by the Spirit of the Lord.

Our learning to live out His life, His love, His nature within us is all a progression. But the action of it has already occurred within us. As we learn to see ourselves as reflecting that same image, then we begin to take our place in the New Covenant as inheritors and begin to trust the Lord much more than our own efforts in becoming. So in His work, as we receive its fullness, we are empowered to live it out in reality. We do not get any more perfect that when we were first “born from above.” Just like when our children are born. They do not get any more perfect as they grow up and learn to live out the family life-style and heritage. They just understand how and become capable of doing so as they grow. So we are like that in the Spirit. We are perfect, completed in Him, because of Him and Him alone. As we trust and grow, we begin to reflect that image and soon we begin to take the confidence that gives us. We reflect Him. Much like our children reflect us.

We then leave the glory of the old (spoken about earlier in the text) and begin to reflect the massive “glory” of our Lord and His nature. (John 17:22 – He gave us His glory). So our going from “glory to glory” is also very different than I had thought. Oh the Lord is so good to let us see these things! 

Hearing God

Hearing God is probably the easiest thing a Believer can do. The Lord simply does all the work and we simply and willingly receive. It is as easy as:

  • Sit quietly.
  • Turn your thoughts to hearing.
  • Begin to respond to what you hear.

His voice will probably sound like your own. This need not trouble nor concern you. Yours is the main voice He can use inside of you. His audible voice is vastly different from what our “receivers” can receive, at least when we first begin. So in order to allow us to hear gradually, He simply uses the voice with-in us that we are accustomed to.

How Do I Know It is Him?

You will know. He speaks only according to His word and in the beginning may quote Himself to you. However, once you get accustomed to Him speaking, then it will and can become exceedingly personal. You will know the tenor and tone of His voice, so as you hear Him more and more, you will begin to know immediately if it is you or Him. This just takes practice.


One way I urge people to start is to begin to journal your thoughts by either writing or typing using a journaling program. I call it my Prayer Journal. I record what I am thinking and what I want to share with Him with the understanding that He is listening and knows I am open to respond. Then I change the ink color and listen to His response recording that as we move in conversation. It slows everything down but eventually it becomes richer and richer as you move together in conversation in Him. As time passes, you will be able to do this without the journal, but to continue to grow in this richness, journaling, or something else that causes you to spend quality time in His presence talking with Him, is needful for all of us.

He Is Always Loving

Do not expect to hear correction. He is always loving and rich in grace toward us. If we need correction, most likely we already know about that. The Word He has spoken is enough
(more than enough) to let us know how we need to conduct ourselves. We usually know if we are out of balance and off base.

In a mature relationship each individual involved begins and looks forward to sharing with the other individual. So too in this relationship. When we begin to hear, we are usually exceedingly self-centered and so our words to Him are all about me and mine. As time goes by, and we mature in our conversations with Him, we become willing recipients of His sharing. This can (and usually does) open doors of insight and revelation out of the Scriptures as well as the faith-sight of things we have not seen.

This is just a beginning of items I would like to share on the subject of prayer. I will share more as time allows.

Really, Really, Really, Really Ready for Spring!

ImageI am sooooooo…… ready for spring! I know it is just mid-March and we are not quite finished with winter, but my heart is ready for my hands to get out in the flower gardens and feel the soil. That sounds strange, but in central New York at this time of the year we get really, really, really, really ready for spring! My photo of a beautiful garden full of tulips taken a few years ago in a neighbor’s yard, would tell the story, but since we are not quite there yet, just one highlighted. Amazing what photo programs can do.

In reality….


This is what is real. Another cold blast coming in. This was taken a few moments ago with my cell phone as I stood just outside the door of my office looking south. All Greek and Bible classes are canceled for today – a wise call indeed. But since I live close by, Joe and I are here working; Jim Corso also, since his activity was cancelled and he too lives near. So we work on other matters. But my heart just wanted to pour out a bit. Not quite a lament, but close I guess. It was 50 degrees yesterday, but here we are and it is to be only 7 for a low tonight. So those of you in warmer climates can know our hearts long to feel some of your warmth.

That being said, I love Central New York and all the beauty it offers through-out the year, so no real complaints really, just a bit of longing. The people are warm and friendly and the Body of Christ precious. So I am thankful for my appointment to this area of the world.

When we walk on assignment, then it is never just our choice as to where to live. It is the Lord’s will I choose and wherever He has need of us, we go. I love what He has done during the last 48 years by sending us from Texas to the Northeast. We spent 11 years in Vermont and the remaining 37 have been here in Central New York. We are blessed indeed.

So Spring will come and I will rejoice and be able to get dirt in my fingernails and enjoy the iris beds that will be in bloom. I will try to post that when it happens. It will be May before too much green appears, but next month some will begin to be seen.

So today will be used for study and preparation for days ahead. It is good. Thank you Lord, for the snow and the cold that allow us such joy in the springtime glory, when it appears. You know what you are about and we choose to bless you and our world in the process. May you be magnified in our hearts and in our mouths this very cold, snowy day.

Seeing in Holy Spirit Mode

For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that I One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

When we accept Christ, our purpose in and for living completely changes. Now our purpose is defined by our destiny and our destiny is defined by and in Christ Jesus Himself. We have received the Christ of God! Therefore, we are infused with Him, His purpose and His destiny.

Therefore, from now on, we, regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.”

The first difference listed in this passage is a switch in how we think of other people. We do not look at things outwardly but instead see with the eyes of Christ. I think this is not so much an effort thing on our part, but an empowerment thing in Christ. I have never been taught this, nor have I taught it much, because until recently, although reading it and teaching it many times, I did not understand this truth. Our perception of others has been switched into Holy Spirit mode. Oh we can just continue right on in the way we have been thinking, but we now have the power of Christ to see as He sees.

There is great power in the recognition of truth! Now we see that this is His supply, now we can adjust our thinking into truth and begin to “see” as He sees. This makes the assigned ministry of reconciliation an exciting development in our lives. Even in the Old Covenant God told Moses “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) I have read that and have known Moses as God's prophet had that ability, but never saw this passage telling us as new creatures in Him we too have been given that same ability in this New Covenant reality. Thank you Lord, we choose to look with a “switched” perspective.

(All passages are from the New King James Bible).