Grant me most sweet and loving Jesus
to rest in You above every other creature
above all health and beauty
above all glory and honor
above all power and dignity
above all fame and praise
above all sweetness snd consolation
above all hope and promise
above all merit and desire
above all gifts and favors You give and shower upon me
above all happiness and joy that the mind can understand and feel
and finally above all angels and archangels
above all the hosts of heaven
above all things visible and invisible
and above all that is not You my God.
(Thomas `a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ)

Faith Not Circumstance

We are all aware of our circumstances. Much of what we do day in and day out is determined by our circumstances. That is because we are physical and live in a physical world.
We, as Christians, are called to live by faith. Faith is the seeing of things we expect and the knowing of what we cannot comprehend. (That is my own translation — but I think you will agree it is the substance of Hebrews 11:1) Faith and circumstances seem disconnected most of the time. Most of the teaching we receive on faith is trying by hook or by crook to re-arrange our circumstances. Now it is true that the Word does teach us that does occur. However, I fear most of us get lost in “trying to get something from God” with our faith, instead of resting in what it really is for.
Faith is our “sight” into the realm of the unseen. Today I had the joy of presenting the Word to a group of women in a nearby church. They were having a Ladies Day and in addition to breakfast and the Word and Worship, they included a time of shopping as they had brought their crafts. It was a wonderful time to get some Christmas shopping done. Anyway, the lesson in the Word that the Lord had for us is that faith is the ability to see the finished project when all you have in front of you is the raw material. Regardless of the work of our hands, we all “see” a different arrangement of what we plan. Whether it be housecleaning or car repair, or whatever. We have inside an ability to “know” what we want to occur when we apply our creativity to the raw materials. This simple ability in the natural realm, gives us insight into our “faith ability” in the spirit realm. We do have, in Christ Jesus, the ability to “see” what He has spoken and then wonder of all wonders, He has empowered us with the ability to accomplish what is “seen” regardless of the circumstances in our lives.
He is truly awesome!!!
“For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18