Right Because of Him

I am away at our Fall Conference and it is going very well. Pastor Chris Scarinzi is our guest speaker (last night and this morning). It is a powerful time in the Lord with excellent Word presented and the demonstration of His power everywhere. Awesome!

This post is really not about that, however. I have just read some of the blogs I frequent, and am amazed at how we try to prove we are right about something in the Lord. I am not right because someone else is wrong. Undoubtedly we are both wrong in the light of the knowledge of the Holy One. All who name the name of the Lord Jesus Christ are made righteous (right? – could it really be?) in Him. Otherwise, we need to understand we are wrong about much. That’s really O.K., and I am always learning in the Word His provision for me, even when I really do not “get it.” However, I believe we need to do more encouraging rather than finding fault and being critical — that too is Biblical.

Just needed to verbalize that. Now, I feel better. Even in saying this — it has a critical edge. Forgive that. Just be encouraged in Him.