Really, Really Ready!

I changed the header above a few minutes ago, just because I am soooooooooo ready for any signs of spring. We have continued to have cold temps here in Syracuse, NY. ( Right now my iPhone says its 17 degrees outside). It has snowed the last two mornings. I do love snow, but am really, really, really, really, really, really etc… ready for some green and for the snow to go. I am not complaining, mind you, just longing. Our bodies, long for sun warmth.

The sun has been shining today, which has encouraged everyone. Syracuse is the 2nd cloudiest city in the USA – Seattle holding the #1 title. They can keep it. No competition to reverse that at all. We have had more snow than Boston during the month of February (our crews are just really, really good at removing it and taking care of our roads). So you can see why we long for spring. Our snow mountains have invaded much of our parking space everywhere and many will be into July before they all melt. Such is life in the North East.

I do love it here, so again no complaints – just need some green and some warm. Now that I have that off my chest, thank you for reading and for following this blog. I have a number of posts forming, but it will be a few days before I am able to take the time to post them. Stay with me – we will do this thing.

Bless you.